
The sidebar is the area highlighted here.


The upper stretch of the sidebar functions as a menu of all the bloons you've joined within the present space. In this screenshot, for instance, Patrick is working in a space named "DEV TEAM". He has joined six bloons within this space, each of which is represented by a round icon.

To access a bloon, left-click on its icon. Both the folder tree and the right pane — as well as the icon slot at the very top of the sidebar — will then reflect the selected bloon.

Right-click on any bloon (on its icon in the sidebar) to access an action-rich context menu.

The lower end of the sidebar comprises two buttons.

  1. Click on Image to create a new bloon.
  2. Click on Image to view a list of open bloons within the current space. You can join open bloons from there.

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