When files and folders won't import

This article deals with situations where you have tried unsuccessfully to import files or folders into a bloon using the desktop app, whether by dragging or some other method.

If you were unable to Import Files by Moving or Import Folders by Moving, this is often because one or more of the files or folders in question were locked for use by another app, or by the operating system. If a file was open in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint, for instance, you would have been unable to move it. In this case, closing the file would allow it to be moved.

If you were unable to Import Files by Copying or Import Folders by Copying, access to the data may have been disrupted while the data was being copied, such as if the data was located on an external drive and the drive was removed while the data was being copied.

Errors can also result from problems writing to the target drive where the bloon folder is housed, such as when an external target drive is removed or damaged. Perhaps the target drive is simply full; in that case, moving the bloon folder to a different drive via advanced space folder settings is a possible solution.

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