When you quit a bloon

When you quit a bloon, you'll find that:

  1. The icon for the bloon will disappear from your sidebar.
  2. In Finder or Explorer, the folder corresponding to the bloon you just quit will no longer be marked with a status icon. This means that BLOON is no longer watching the folder.
  3. The files in the folder will no longer be synced; nor will they be automatically deleted.

Generally, the other members

  1. will be able to access any item metadata (notes, comments, tags, etc.) that they previously could; and
  2. will not lose access to files that at least one of them holds locally.

There is one situation to beware of, however: whenever all the existing copies of a file are held on your machine(s), if you quit the bloon, the other members will no longer be able to download the file.

To check who holds a file, go to the right pane, toggle to list view, and check the "Copies Online" column. If you hover over the numbers in this column, a tooltip will appear, informing you who holds how many copies of the underlying file.

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